My #1 Tip for Amazing Skin

Photography by Sarah Halwani

Photography by Sarah Halwani

There’s a lot of information out there about how to get glowing skin, the quickest way to get rid of blemishes, the best products to use for oily/dry/combination skin, and the easiest way to prevent wrinkles, and it seems like everyone has a different answer for what solutions are the best, which makes sense because everyone’s skin is different and will react differently to different treatments and products.

While I can’t tell you what the best this or that is (I’m still trying to figure this out for myself), what I can tell you is that there is one tip for amazing skin that works for just about everyone. It doesn’t cost a fortune, it doesn’t come from the depths of the some remote village in Southeast Asia, and it’s not some complicated system that takes work to integrate into your routine. In fact, it’s quite the opposite of all of these things…


Yep. It’s really as easy as that. Why? I’m so glad you asked!

Our skin is our largest organ, and it has a few pretty important jobs, including protection (from UV damage, bacteria, dehydration, physical injury) and regulation (of temperature, the immune system, excretion of waste) of the whooooollllle body. So, we wanna take care of it. Like, really, really good care of it.

Keeping it simple is important when it comes to taking care of our skin because, just like with anything else, when we bombard our skin with sh*tloads of products (cough*chemicals*cough) it doesn’t know what to do. It freaks out, gets irritated, breaks out, dries out.

I know so many people who swear by skincare products that not only break the bank, but are loaded with harmful chemicals. They have skincare regimens that are so complicated I don’t even think they even fully understand what they’re doing or how it’s working. They just see results (or are waiting to see results), and stop asking questions.

The good news is, it can be so much easier and so much better for you than that, and I’ve got a few tips for where to get started and what has helped me.

1. Narrow it down. Great news, guys. You don’t need 20 different products for great skin. In fact, this is one of those situations where less is definitely more. I like to keep my daily skincare regimen to a facial cleanser, toner, and oils… right now i’m using avocado oil with a little tea tree oil and I love it) in the morning and before bed. I’m also a big fan of masks 2-3 times a week (I love this Aztec Bentonite clay mask from Amazon) & have recently added this peel to my regimen.

2. Clean it up. Ditch the products that are full of chemicals. anything with sulfates, parabens, and PEGs. These synthetic ingredients have been linked to cancer, and many other things. Yea, cancer. This sh*t is not a joke. Kate of Living Pretty Naturally breaks this down even further for you here. (This goes for skincare products and makeup.)

3. Eat (& drink) for beautiful skin. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Beauty comes from the inside out. Berries, pomegranates, kidney beans, walnuts, and green tea are just a few of the foods recommended for glowing skin, and one thing I’ve recently added to my daily routine is marine collagen powder. Collagen promotes elasticity, cohesion and regeneration of the skin, hair and nails, and it’s kinda poppin’ up everywhere in the wellness world these days. I mix it into a cold glass of water first thing in the morning… couldn’t be easier!

What are your favorite easy, natural skincare tips for amazing skin?! Any favorite products? Would love for you to share the wealth in the comments below!
