5 Ways to Wind Down That Don't Involve A Glass of Wine
Image via Pinterest
Before we go any further, let me just preface this post by saying that I have nothing against wine. I love wine. I love drinking. I also hate being hungover which makes me not want to drink as much these days, but that’s neither here nor there.
The purpose of this post isn’t to sh*t on wine, wine drinkers or drinking in general, but rather to offer alternatives to opening that bottle of wine (that you’ll inevitably end up finishing) after work because you had a rough day. While there is always a time and place for that post-work drink (or 3), I’ve heard from a lot of my friends and coworkers that throughout the pandemic, drinking just isn’t cutting it anymore, and they’ve noticed themselves drinking less and less during the week than they used to.
Why? I think it’s because many of us (myself included) reached for the alcohol a bit tooooo often in the beginning of lockdown… simply because what else is there to do when you’re confined to your home indefinitely but drink?!
A single glass of wine can definitely help calm your nerves or take your mind off of whatever it is that’s stressing you out… but when “just one glass” turns into the whole bottle, and you’re hungover and trying to wake up for work the next day… it never feels as good as you thought it would in retrospect.
Here are 5 ways that you can wind down after a stressful day that don’t involve drinking:
1) Go for a walk. I really can’t say enough about the power of getting outside and moving your body. I don’t know how I would have made it through the first 6 months of lockdown without my neighborhood walks. When I have a particularly stressful day at work, a walk is a great way to wind down. It gets me out of my apartment, into the fresh(ish) air (I live in LA, after all) and gets my body moving… hello, endorphins!
2) Read. As a bookworm myself, I love curling up with a cup of tea and a good book at the end of the day. It’s relaxing, works out my brain and gives my eyes a break from staring at a computer and phone all day. Reading right before bed also helps me fall asleep faster and sleep better (again, because I’m getting a break from the blue light of my phone).
3) Take a bath. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that baths are a regular part of my life, and to me there is really nothing more relaxing than drawing up a bath filled with epsom salt and essential oils, lighting some candles and settling in to just soak. Baths can be a great way to relieve both physical and mental stress/anxiety… simply turn on some relaxing tunes, apply a face mask and allow your self to just be. Here’s my recipe for the perfect anxiety-reducing bath.
4) Cook a healthy dinner. I know how easy it can be to open Postmates and order delivery at the end of a stressful day at the (home) office, but cooking yourself a healthy, nourishing meal is not only a way to wind down, but to take care of your body, as well. Pick a new recipe, get all of the ingredients you’ll need the day before, and get lost in the process of preparing yourself a meal. If you need some inspiration, check out my Pinterest board of recipes that I’ve saved over the years (not all healthy, by any means).
5) Practice yoga. You didn’t think we’d make it to the end of this post without me suggesting yoga, did you?! I know that sometimes the last thing we want to do at the end of a long day is workout, but the endorphins released from a little flow will make you feel even better than a glass of wine will, and help set you up for a restful night’s sleep. If you don’t feel like getting into a power flow, a restorative yoga class or even some gentle stressing still counts.
How do you like to wind down after a long day?