My Anxiety-Reducing Bath Recipe

Photo via Aly Garcia

Photo via Aly Garcia

One of my favorite ways to relax and unwind when I’m feeling anxious (or just in need of some quiet) is to take a nice long bath. There’s something about the warm water, the dim lights, and the stillness that really help me to let go of my anxious thoughts and just pause for a bit.

Baths aren’t anything new or groundbreaking… in fact, bathing in some form has played a major role in human health for centuries; Scandinavians and their cold plunges, Romans and their bath houses, Japanese onsens (hot springs)… I could go on, but I think you get the idea. And while I’m pretty positive that all of you have taken a bath before, as adults, the majority of us don’t take baths (at least not regularly). Why is that? Do we think we don’t have enough time? Do we view a bath as a luxury we just can’t afford in our every day lives? Or maybe it’s the opposite… we see baths as something for kids, not “grown ups”? Maybe we do take baths here and there, but more out of necessity than self-care or ritual.

Baths can have an impact on your psychological state, so when we’re feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, a bath can be the perfect antidote. There was a study done in 2002 which found that taking a bath at the end of the day helped to significantly improve the mood of participants. Several factors play a role in this, including warmth, isolation, and body comfort/position (we associate being horizontal with relaxation and vulnerability).

But, not all baths are created equal! You don’t want to just hop into a tub full of scalding hot water, fill it up with toxic bubble bath and suffer through the pain for the so-called health benefits. With a few simple ingredients, the right temperature, and some ambiance, you can create a luxurious experience from the comfort of your own home that will leave you feeling centered, rejuvenated, and relaxed.

Here’s everything you’ll need for the perfect, most relaxing, anxiety-reducing bath ever… that also comes with a few other benefits:

  • 2 c. epsom salt (helps relax the muscles and relieve tension; I love Dr. Teal’s)

  • 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil (used in aromatherapy to encourage relaxation and reduce anxiety)

  • 1/4 c. baking soda (when combined with epsom salt it helps our body’s detoxify by flushing toxins out of our system: also can help with skin conditions such as eczema, rashes, and even breakouts)

  • 1 c. apple cider vinegar (helps to balance our skin’s pH; Bragg’s is the only brand of ACV I use… ever)

  • optional (but highly encouraged): candles, some relaxing music, and a good book

Basically, all you have to do is draw a warm bath (you don’t want it to be too hot… that can actually cause heat stress which does the opposite of helping our bodies relax), throw all of the ingredients into the water and stir it around a bit so it gets distributed evenly. Light some candles (I like them on the edge of the tub), dim the lights, throw on some music, sit back, and relax! I also suggest leaving your phone on do not disturb so you can fully tune out.

I try to stay in the bath for 30-45 minutes, but if you don’t have the luxury of time, even a 15-minute soak is beneficial. I like reading in the bath, but will usually take the first 10-15 minutes to just close my eyes, breathe and feel the water all around me. This helps to let go of the day, my to-do list, and any feelings of anxiety and tension I might be experiencing. A bath in the evening can set us up for a better night’s sleep, so I definitely prefer an evening bath vs. a bath in the morning or afternoon… but as always, something is better than nothing!

Happy soaking!
