3 Tips for a Zen Getaway

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

I’m very excited to be heading out of California tomorrow morning, just as the 2nd lockdown is beginning in LA. They announced yesterday that they are rolling back the majority of the re-opening that happened in mid-June (not surprising, considering we really never “flattened the curve” over here) and while the entire country seems to be all over the place in regards to the “rules” I’m looking forward to a change of scenery!

I’m headed to the Charleston, South Carolina, area to spend the weekend with my family. My brother lives there and it’s his birthday on Friday, and since there’s not much else to do, we all figured why not! We don’t get to see each other that often anymore, so might as well take advantage of all of the downtime, right?

We haven’t really been able to travel in the way that we are used to during the COVID-19 crisis… I know I personally have had 3 trips get cancelled (one which was a big trip to Mexico - I don’t want to talk about it)… but with the end nowhere in sight, more and more people are looking for ways to get away, change the scenery and escape the monotony of the current day-to-day. But as we all know, some people have a very hard time turning “off” when on vacation, global pandemic or otherwise.

In the US, most companies only give 10 days of paid time off a year - not very generous at all, and many people don’t even bother using their vacation time because they are so tied down to their job. And for even more people, when they do take a vacation (or even one day off), not much vacationing actually happens… they check their email, take work calls, text with their bosses… some people will actually sit in their hotel room and work remotely because they feel so strongly that they can’t get away.

To be clear: I have never been one of these people. I love traveling, understand the importance of taking a break from things to reset and recharge, and just generally love being able to live life for a week or a long weekend as if i have no real responsibilities.

Over the last couple of years, I have really perfected my travel routine. From packing efficiently to arriving at the airport without too much time to spare (but also without missing my flight) to keeping up with my wellness routines while I’m away… I’d like to think I’m pretty much an expert at this point (*hairflip*) so I thought it would be fun to share some of my travel tips here today!

If you’re planning a little getaway or you’re guilty of doing any of things mentioned above when you’re supposed to be on vacation… here are 3 tips for a zen getaway:

1. Get off your phone. I get it. We all want to be connected to our friends & family. We want to share all of the cool pictures we’re taking at all of the amazing places we’re visiting. But, if you truly want to enjoy your vacation… if you really want to experience the place you’re visiting… get off your phone. You don’t have to go totally off the grid… even just limiting yourself to only checking/posting on social media in the evening when you’re back at your hotel can make all the difference. This also includes stepping away from work. Take your work email off your phone so you’re not tempted to check it. Don’t schedule work calls. Don’t text with your boss! If you’re going camping or out into nature… I highly recommend going on airplane mode for at least 24 hours while you’re there. This will really help you soak up Mother Nature’s healing energy and clear your mind.

2. Pack a journal. Journaling can be really therapeutic. Putting pen to paper and just writing, not even about anything in particular, can do wonders for a racing, anxiety-ridden mind that has a hard time “turning off”. I always pack a  journal when I go on vacation and it serves a few purposes. First, I love being able to write down all of the amazing experiences I’m having, so that I can look back on everything in detail years later. Sure, pictures will help keep the memories alive, but the little details can easily be forgotten. Second, it’s a great way to pause, take a step back and really start to process and get clear on things that might be going on in your life… feelings, emotions, where you want to go with your life… whatever you might be working through. Even if journaling isn’t your thing, try it the next time you go on vacation and see how you feel.

3. See the sites… on foot! One of the best ways to explore a new place is by walking. Any time I go on vacation, I make it a point to walk as much as possible. Walking gives you the opportunity to explore in a way that driving doesn’t. You can stop whenever you want to, change direction at any time and it gives you the chance to really just go with the flow. It also keeps me active when I most likely won’t have much time for yoga or a workout, and helps to me to find a better headspace, overall. There is something so therapeutic about taking a long walk… especially when you’re in a place you’ve never been before. You’re outside getting fresh air with the sun on your skin (hopefully) just taking it all in. What could be better?

Now more than ever it’s important to really disconnect. To take time for ourselves to just be. To enjoy our surroundings and the people we’re with. To let work take a back seat for a few days and prioritize our mental health. I’m so looking forward to taking a break from all of the screen time, getting outside and spending some quality time with my family this weekend.

Do you have any trips coming up? Tell me about them in the comments and let me know how you like to stay zen during your getaways!
