Vote as if...


I’m going to keep it brief today and say one simple thing:


There is too much as stake for us to sit back and not vote because “we don’t really like either candidate”. I saw a great tweet recently that said:

“Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for ‘the one’ that’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting on the bus. And if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel — you take the one going closest to where you want to be.” - Debbie B. Moon

We have the right as US citizens to cast our vote for the person who is going to help move our society in the direction we want to see it go in. Do you think that the GOP would be trying so hard to prevent you from voting if your vote didn’t matter?

But here’s the thing… don’t just vote

Vote as if your skin is not white, your parents need medical care or your friend is a missing indigenous woman.

Vote as if your spouse is an immigrant, your land is on fire or your son is transgender.

Vote as if your house is flooded, your sister is a victim of gun violence, your brother is gay, your water is unsafe or your daughter is a sexual assault survivor.

Don’t simply “vote”. Vote for equality. Vote for democracy. Vote with empathy. But most importantly:


Vote early if you can. Vote by mail if you can. If you can’t do either of these things, show up to the polls on November 3rd. It doesn’t matter how you show up, it just matters that you do.


Kelsey CookComment