Reiki: We Are All Energy

Image via Magic Of I.

Image via Magic Of I.

So… let’s talk about REIKI.

Reiki is that thing you may have heard mentioned before here and there, but aren’t quite sure what exactly it is. That was me for the longest time, too! As someone who has been involved in the wellness industry in one way or another for quite some time, I had heard the term thrown around, but was never exactly sure what reiki actually was. So, for anyone who’s in the same boat, allow me to explain!

By definition, the word “reiki” stems from the Japanese words “rei” and “ki”, with “rei” meaning universal and “ki” meaning energy, and translates to “universal life force energy”. In practice, reiki is a form of spiritual energy healing, where the practitioner channels that universal life force energy to a recipient, typically by placing their hands on or near their body, with the goal of restoring balance to your physical, emotional and spiritual body.

Reiki can be channeled to help balance the chakras (energy centers within the body), ease physical tension or discomfort, reduce stress and anxiety, and help support the body in healing on all levels.

If you haven’t experienced reiki firsthand, you might be skeptical… and I totally understand that! I’m sitting here telling you that this so-called “energy” that you can’t see can help your body heal? It really does sound crazy… and I was skeptical at first, too, until I experienced it for myself.

Look at it this way: energy is real. It makes up everything we can see, touch and feel. Nikola Tesla said it best, and so simply:

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

To get a physical sense for what he means by this, and feel that energy for yourself all you have to do is rub your hands together quickly, applying a little bit of pressure for 10-15 seconds and then stop, pulling your hands about 4” apart… (go ahead, do it!)… that sensation you feel is the energy Tesla was referring to, and is the same energy that a practitioner channels during a reiki session.

So, I’m sure at this point you’re wondering what happens during a reiki session. To sum it up: when you’re receiving reiki energy from a practitioner, there are a variety of things that can happen and it varies from person to person, and even session to session.

Some people experience a deep state of relaxation, warmth or tingling in their arms and legs. Some will fall asleep… and some may feel nothing. There is no right or wrong way to receive a reiki! For me, when I’m receiving reiki, I experience a warming sensation throughout my body, but mostly in my arms, tingling in my hands, and an overall sense of mental and physical calm and relaxation. I feel more at ease and generally “lighter” immediately following, and less anxious in the days after.

The most important thing to remember when you’re receiving a reiki healing session, is that regardless of what you may or may not physically feel, the energetic shifts below the surface are happening.

So… why are we talking about reiki? Back in April, I received my reiki attunement and am so excited to announce that I am now offering in-person reiki sessions in the Los Angeles area! I will also be offering distance reiki sessions very soon… but more on that later! You can read more about my reiki offerings here.

Reiki is a great way to manage your anxiety/stress levels, relax, tune in, and heal yourself from the inside out. If you have any questions at all about what reiki is, how a reiki session works and if it’s right for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me using this contact form.
