3 Health Benefits of Getting Outside


It should come as no surprise that I love being outside. Whether it’s the beach, the forest, the mountains, or the desert, nature is my medicine. I shared a post a little while back about how spending time outside can help manage anxiety, and the truth is, there are additional benefits to getting out in nature!

Here are 3 more reasons to get outside when it comes to your health:

1) Vitamin D: When we go outside, we’re (typically) exposed to the sun, which supplies our bodies with vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical to our health. It helps with calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting our bone, muscle, and heart health.

While you should always wear sunscreen when you’re outside for extended periods of time, our skin needs to be unprotected to absorb vitamin D from the sun, so don’t be afraid to go sunscreen-free for 10-15 minutes before lathering up.

2) Physical activity: Most of the time, when we’re going outside, it’s to do something physical… walking, running, swimming, hiking, you get the idea. Most outdoor activities get your body moving, which helps to keep your systems regulated, your muscles and joints strong, and your heart healthy. I could go on but I think you get the idea ;)

3) Sleep: Spending time outside can improve your quality of sleep. Not only is the physical activity you’re most likely doing going to tire you out a bit, but being exposed to the sun’s natural rhythm can also help to reset your biological clock (especially if you’re spending extended periods of time outside, like on a camping trip).

Mother Nature is our greatest healer. She’s always there to guide us back to ourselves and supports our health and wellbeing in so many ways.

What’s your favorite way to get outside?
