10 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

Image via Elevate the Globe

The term “self-care” has been thrown around more than ever over these last six months… and with good reason! We’re navigating a very scary time. We’re adapting to life during a global pandemic and in the process have witnessed social unrest, protests, looting, police brutality, racial injustice, extreme weather that is the direct result of climate change, and a government that continues to fail us over and over again. In a time with so much change and uncertainty, self-care is not only trendy, it’s necessary.

Self-care often gets overlooked because many people think they’re just too “busy” or feel guilty if they take time out of their days to truly focus on only themselves. Maybe some of us feel like other things are more important than ourselves… like our family, our friends or our jobs… but in reality, if we’re not taking care of ourselves first and prioritizing our own wellbeing, we can’t show up as our best selves for any of the other people or things in our lives. Sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

Let’s think about it: how much better of an employee can you be when you’re well rested and energized? How much easier is it to show up for your family or friends in times of need when your own mindset is in a good place? When you take time for yourself, all of your other responsibilities are going to be right there waiting for you when you’re done… they aren’t going anywhere! So why not take some time for just you?

Self-care doesn’t have to be all about face masks, massages, spa days and bubble baths. There are so many simple things that cost zero dollars that can help us care for ourselves and make our lifestyles healthier and more balanced. Here are 10 simple ways you can practice self-care starting right now:

1) Go for a walk or a hike. Moving our bodies is one of the quickest ways to turn our moods around. Especially now that we are all living more sedentary lifestyles, getting up from your desk and going for a walk can be a real game changer. Plus, the vitamin D and the fresh air will help to wake up our senses and give us a new rush of energy!

2) Cook a healthy dinner. It goes without saying that what we put into our bodies has a direct impact on how our bodies feel. What we eat determines our energy levels and even our moods! So skip the takeout tonight and make a healthy dinner with real, whole foods. If you need some ideas, my Pinterest board’s got you.

3) Get good quality sleep regularly. Again, it goes without saying that sleep has a huge impact on our overall health. When we’re well rested, we’re more energized, we can focus better, and ultimately get more accomplished. Skip the late night Netflix session and try not to stay up late finishing up projects. Save it for tomorrow, get some rest and start fresh in the morning.

4) Take a break. Ever find yourself trying to power through a certain project or task in the name of just getting it out of the way? Putting all of your energy into it… but not really getting anywhere? Yea, me too. When this happens, I know it’s time for me to take a break. To step away for an hour, reset, and come back fresh. Sometimes, if you’re dealing with more severe burnout, taking a break might mean taking a mental health day or requesting some extra days off for a long weekend. You can be the judge of what you need in the moment, but know that taking a break is always going to be okay.

5) Read a book. Feel like you’re looking at screens all day? Because same. I go from my computer to my phone to the TV and back constantly and by the end of the day, my eyes and my brain can feel pretty beat. Instead of diving into that new series or watching another movie, trying reading a book instead. It will give your eyes a break, engage your mind and allow you to relax. Let me know if you need a book suggestion… I’ve got plenty ;)

6) Write in a journal. The is another great way to give your eyes a break from all of the screen time, but journaling is a nice way to help process your emotions, as well. Especially during these uncertain times, we’re all dealing with a range of emotions that we might not feel comfortable sharing with our coworkers or friends. If you find yourself bottling up your emotions, trying journaling! The release of getting the words out of your mind and onto paper will leave you feeling lighter.

7) De-clutter your space. Whether we realize it or not, our physical environment can have a huge impact on our mental state. When my apartment is messy, disorganized or not exactly as I like it, I can physically feel it. I feel more anxious, less grounded and just all out of sorts. Start tackling those areas that need some love in your home little by little. Clean your desk and organize the space so it’s more inviting. Rearrange the living room to shake things up a bit. Get rid of the clothes in your closet you haven’t worn in months. Make more space.

8) Get organized. We talked a little about this in the last one, but getting organized doesn’t only have to apply to your things, it can also apply to your life in general. Start using things like a to-do list, a planner or the calendar app on your phone to keep track of things that need to get done, events you’re going to, etc. This will help you plan ahead better so that you’re less flustered in the moment and not scrambling to get 100 things done at once last minute.

9) Exercise. I don’t think I need to go into detail here. Physical movement is truly critical to our health and wellbeing, but not just physically, mentally and emotionally, too. I know for me, I always feel better when I’m regularly working out, but also, some days, working out is the last thing I want to do. So, what I tell myself is to just do even 10 minutes of yoga… take a 10-minute walk… just so I’m doing something. Often, once I start, I end up doing a full hour of yoga or taking a 4-mile walk, because starting is always the hardest part! Regardless of how long you workout, something is better than nothing!

10) Learn to say “no”. Is anyone else a recovering perfectionist or people pleaser? Do you find yourself saying “yes” to things that you do not want to do out of guilt and obligation? If so, I’m talking to you. For me, I reached a new level of self-care when I started saying “no” more often. No to events I had no interest in going to. No to favors that made me feel like I was being taken advantage of. No to friendships that were draining me emotionally. No to the so-called “timeline” society had me thinking I needed to follow. No to goals and aspirations that weren’t mine, but society’s. If there is only one thing on this list that you incorporate into your lifestyle, let it be this one. It’s not easy at first, but trust me here, the relief you’ll feel once you realize that you can always say no is so worth the initial awkwardness. Promise.

What are some other ways you practice self-care? Would love to hear them! She in the comments below so we can all continue to inspire each other on this path to more self-care, self-love and balance.
