A great way to deepen your personal practice and transform your body. Together, we will tailor your sessions to your level of experience, goals, and needs. Classes are typically done in the privacy of your own home, but arrangements can be made to schedule sessions at another location. Sessions via Zoom are also available.
Starting at $125/hour; 2 people max
A unique and fun way to connect with friends and family while contributing to your overall wellness. Classes are held at the location of your choice, which can range from your home to the beach or a local park. Sessions are also available via Zoom.
Starting at $150/hour; rates vary based on group size; please email for details
Does your office offer wellness perks? Are looking to bring some zen into the stressful day-to-day of corporate life? I offer classes specifically designed to counteract the effects of, and offer relief from, corporate life. Corporate classes are for companies throughout the Los Angeles area, and beyond via Zoom.
Starting at $200/hour