Navigating Anxiety During a Global Pandemic

Photography by Sarah Halwani

Photography by Sarah Halwani

We have found ourselves caught in the middle of very weird times. If you had told me a year ago that come March 2020, local and state governments would be forcing us to stay in our homes, closing all businesses deemed “non-essential” and shutting down public places like parks, beaches, and hiking trails… there is no way I would have believed you. But, here we are!

While everyone has a different outlook on the current global climate, what the future holds, and whether or not all of these “social distancing” measures are not only necessary, but effective, I think we can all agree that the uncertainty is a little… disconcerting.

As someone who experiences anxiety regularly, I’m finding that having my life ripped away from me, not being able to keep up with my regular workout schedule, see my friends, go on planned trips or even just have dinner or a drink out at a restaurant… and on top of that, not knowing when I might be able to do any of that again… has me on a roller coaster of anxiety that takes a different form depending on the latest headline or update. Not to mention that thousands of people are dying with many more sick, the economy is taking a huge hit and friends and family members are losing their jobs and livelihoods. Yea, 2020 is a real b*tch so far.

With all of that being said, there are things that we can each do to keep our mindset positive (most of the time), remain calm and free of anxiety (again, most of the time) and help those around us do the same. Self-care is something that I try to prioritize in my day-to-day life all the time, but it’s been something I’ve been even more conscious of over these last 4 weeks, not only because I don’t have anything else to do, but because self-care in these crazy, uncertain times is more important than ever. We can build new habits while our distractions are minimal that will hopefully carry over into “real life” once it resumes.

Here are a few things that have been helping me to keep from going crazy… for the most part:

1) Movement. Whether it’s a walk around the neighborhood, a morning flow or an evening HIIT class, moving my body (even if it’s not in the way I am used to) has been necessary. I signed up for Alo Moves and have really been enjoying it. It’s primarily yoga (all levels, all styles, all different approaches) but there are also so great HIIT classes on there that get your heart rate up and make you sweat. Even 10 minutes of movement can help to improve your mindset.

2) Meditation. I used to meditate every single morning without fail. But over the last couple of years, that habit has become inconsistent at best, and non-existent at its worst. Prior to lockdown, I was committing to finding a more consistent meditation practice again, and this is one thing in my life that is seeing a benefit from lockdown. I’ve been able to wake up and take 10 minutes each morning to find stillness before diving into the work day (or a Saturday of Netflix) and I notice a huge difference in how I feel mentally on the days I do vs. the days I don’t. Start small, even 5 minutes a day can change everything!

3) Creating. Whether I’m cooking or baking, brewing up a batch of homemade kombucha, writing a guided meditation or putting together a playlist for my virtual yoga classes, creating in its many forms has been the ultimate escape for me. I love to cook, and have always enjoyed trying new recipes, so all this time at home has really allowed me to do that while giving me a much needed distraction from what life is like these days. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try painting or writing poetry… now is the perfect time to go for it! If you’re not feeling very creative or inspired, maybe an adult coloring book would be a better place to start… there are tons of options on Amazon!

4) Cleaning. You’ve probably seen this idea everywhere (and it’s not like this is rocket science) but I cannot stress this enough… when your space is clean and in order, your life will feel more in order. Use all of this free time to do the deep cleaning you never do or just don’t have time for. Throw away the things you don’t want/need/use anymore. Redecorate, upcycle an old piece of furniture, reorganize your closet… clean your car, clean out your computer and phone… the list goes on and the possibilities are endless!

Next time you find yourself feeling a little anxious try one of these things… it will serve as a much needed distraction, giving your mind something else to focus on, which at the end of the day is what an anxious mind needs… a place to redirect its anxiety, a different place to “put” those anxious thoughts.

What are your favorite lockdown activities?!


Kelsey Cook